Thursday, August 14, 2014

Greetings from Algonquin Provincial Park

There are touches of red in the maples up here in northern Ontario, and the goldenrod is starting to bloom; it all foretells things to come for which I am not ready. It is rainy but great to rendezvous with long-time Canadian friends. On the other hand, since we live at the back of beyond in the peace and quiet of wonderful woods, even the most rustic campground seems contrived and crowded. 

I miss my clay and pots and their regular multi-phased progression by which the former becomes the latter. I expect I will meet a potter or two before getting back to Lost Hollow; I will need to get my hands around a nice stoneware shape. On the other hand, there is a 50-pound box of clay with us in the trailer, along with a tray and a straw. Do you know how many Kahoka beads that combination can produce? But first I’m looking for moose and if I am very lucky, maybe a wolf. Bears we have at home, for which I am grateful. Along the way I notice leaves I am not familiar with and imagine how they would look on clay. H’mmm.

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